CNC cutting machines will eventually replace traditional manual cutting

2022/04/19 17:22

As far as the current market development trend is concerned, CNC cutting machines will eventually replace traditional manual cutting, and its high-speed and high-efficiency equipment advantages have made indelible achievements.

There is often such a saying, this person "can sit or not stand, can lie down or sit", it is to describe how lazy a person is. In fact, many of us have this idea when we buy things. In fact, what we seek is the "convenience" brought by the product.

The emergence of CNC cutting technology is the product of the pursuit of "convenience". In the machining process, the common methods of sheet cutting include manual cutting, semi-automatic cutting machine cutting and CNC cutting machine cutting. Manual cutting is flexible and convenient, but the quality of manual cutting is poor, the size error is large, the material waste is large, the subsequent processing workload is large, and the labor conditions are harsh and the production efficiency is low. Among the semi-automatic cutting machines, the profiling cutting machine has better quality of cutting workpieces. Because it uses cutting dies, it is not suitable for single piece, small batch and large workpiece cutting. Compared with manual and semi-automatic cutting, CNC cutting can effectively improve the efficiency and quality of plate cutting, and reduce the labor intensity of operators. Consumer demand matching for direct purposes—

It's not just coquetry and cuteness. In fact, this is a clear definition of consumer demand. Buying something useless and going back is a blatant waste.

CNC cutting machines have made great progress in cutting energy and CNC control systems. Cutting energy has been developed from a single flame energy cutting to a variety of energy sources, such as flame, plasma, laser, high-pressure water jet and other cutting methods.

The CNC flame cutting machine has the ability to cut carbon steel with large thickness, and the cutting cost is low, but the cutting accuracy is not high, and the cutting speed is low, which is difficult to meet the needs of fully automated operation. Its applications are mainly limited to the cutting of carbon steel and large thickness plates, and it will gradually be replaced by plasma cutting in the cutting of medium and thin carbon steel plates.

CNC plasma cutting machine, wide cutting area, fast cutting speed and high efficiency. The use of fine plasma cutting has brought the cutting quality close to the level of laser cutting. With the maturity of high-power plasma cutting technology, the cutting thickness has exceeded 150mm, broadening the cutting range of CNC plasma cutting machines.

CNC laser cutting machine has the characteristics of fast cutting speed and high precision. Laser cutting machine is expensive and high cutting cost. It is only suitable for thin plate cutting and high precision requirements.

The CNC high-pressure water jet cutting machine is suitable for cutting any material, with high cutting precision, no thermal deformation, and an environmentally friendly cutting method. Its disadvantage is that the cutting speed is slow, the efficiency is low, and the cutting cost is high.