How to deal with the rust of the cutting machine guide rail?

2022/02/28 14:51

How to deal with the rust of the guide rail of the cutting machine? Do you know the customers?


Cutting machines generally use linear guide rails. This guide rail has high tightness and high surface brightness. At first glance, many people think that this guide rail is made of stainless steel. In fact, this is a misunderstanding of many people. The strict linear guide cannot be made of stainless steel because of its functional characteristics, so the guide will rust like other materials with iron as the key element. Improper application will cause rust on the guide rail surface, so what should you do if the guide rail of your cutting machine is rusted?


The first is to take precautions: the corrosion of the guide rail of the cutting machine has a fatal impact on the overall function of the machine tool, so we should try our best to prevent this phenomenon from happening. Usually, the guide rails of each axis of the cutting machine should be inspected and protected on schedule. If any abnormal signs are found, they should be dealt with in time, and the root cause of the problem should be found out and dealt with in time.


The second is to find out in time: when your cutting machine uses water-based cutting fluid to process, especially the CNC cutting machine for parts, you should pay great attention to the usual inspection of the guide rail, because the water-based cutting fluid is very beneficial to the corrosion of the guide rail. . The timely detection of problems can effectively prevent the development of rust environment.
