Operation steps of CNC plasma cutting machine and which parts are suitable for use

2022/04/15 11:50

Many parts will choose to use a cutting machine to cut first and then grind them in the initial processing. For the convenience of use, a CNC cutting machine is usually selected for cutting. So which materials are suitable for CNC cutting machine cutting? CNC plasma cutting machine is How does it work? The following article will give you a brief introduction.


1. Operation steps of CNC plasma cutting machine

1. Try the operation to confirm that the switches and buttons on the panel are flexible and reliable to check whether the ash discharge flapper valve is normal.

2. Open the power lock on the operation panel, press the power button to supply power to the CNC; turn on the power supply of the dust collector, and check whether the indicator light on the control box panel is normal; The emergency button is reliable.

4. Turn on the switch in the servo cabinet, press the servo on button on the operation panel to supply power to the servo system, and turn the pulse knob on the control cabinet panel to the most on position to recoil the filter cartridge to check whether the pulse is normal.

5. Turn on the switch in the power distribution cabinet.

6. The CNC performs internal self-diagnosis to confirm that no error message is displayed.

7. The powder spraying and scribing of the CNC flame cutting machine is carried out before cutting. Pay attention to the explosive zinc powder and avoid flying; at the same time, wear a mask when operating. Prepare sheets that are dry, clean, and free of large deformations.

Determine the single cutting moment, synchronous or symmetrical marking, and prepare the corresponding cutting moment; select the corresponding "cart selection button" on the operation panel; select the appropriate cutting nozzle according to the width of the line to be marked.

Bake the zinc powder in a 200° C. oven for 4 hours, sieve it with a 200-mesh metal powder sieve, and put it into a zinc powder hopper; open a preheating flame.

Adjust the flame to a weak oxidizing flame, that is, the length of the flame core is shorter than that of the cutting flame core.

Turn on the supply of powder oxygen and line oxygen, adjust the switch, until the cutting nozzle sprays a uniform, thin and straight orange-red *** line.

The "mode" key on the operation panel is selected as "line"; call out the graph to be drawn; start to draw the line; if the effect of a certain section is not ideal when drawing the line, you can press the "return" key to reverse the program and execute * **When you need to redo the line, press the "Return" key to redo the line.

After the marking is over, close the solenoid valves for supplying powdered oxygen, marking oxygen and preheating flame in sequence; turn off the switches for supplying powdered oxygen and marking oxygen; recover the remaining zinc powder, place it in the drying box, and clean the zinc powder hopper.

8. When using the CNC plasma cutting machine, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping the personnel away from the ignition coil during automatic ignition.

Prepare the plate to be cut, carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum deformation should be as small as possible, and the thickness should not exceed the allowable range of the cutting table; select the corresponding wearing parts according to the thickness of the plate; and install it into the corresponding cutting torch; determine the single torch, synchronous or symmetrical cut.

Select the corresponding "cart selection button" on the operation panel; press the plasma button on the operation panel to make the inner light on.

Carry out pre-flow and cutting-flow tests according to the requirements of the cutting table, and adjust the pre-flow and cutting flow; manually adjust the initial height of the cutting torch to the height required by the cutting table; set the arc voltage and current according to the cutting table.

Manually set torch to start position; at CNC. Select the cutting program on the screen, and complete the work configuration: cutting speed, kerf compensation, etc.; press the "GO" button to start cutting; follow the operating instructions to deal with different problems in cutting, until the cutting is completed.

2. Those parts are suitable for cutting by CNC cutting machine

For the cutting of various special-shaped parts by the CNC cutting machine, as long as there are drawings, it can be converted into a processing program on the computer, and input into the CNC cutting machine through the U disk can be automatically processed. If the accuracy requirements are not high or the steel plate is thick, CNC can be used. Flame cutting.

If the precision requirements are slightly higher or the plate is thinner, CNC plasma cutting can be used, which is faster and has a slightly higher precision. In terms of the structure selection of CNC cutting machine, portable, desktop and gantry type are all competent, and the choice can be made according to the size of the plate to be cut and the required cutting speed.

The portable CNC cutting machine has a smaller cutting range and faster speed; the desktop CNC cutting machine has a higher cutting speed but a smaller range.

The above article is about the operation steps of the CNC plasma cutting machine and those parts that are suitable for cutting with the CNC cutting machine. I hope this article can bring effective help to the readers and friends.