Popularity: How to use CNC cutting machine

2022/03/31 14:55

      Many bosses in the processing industry know about CNC cutting machines. Using CNC cutting machines can help us cut things faster, and the cutting quality is very good. It can also save labor, but the premise is that we must be skilled in using CNC cutting machines. Now I will introduce how to use the CNC cutting machine.

      Before we use the CNC cutting machine, we need to make a material platform and place a sheet to be cut on the platform. Note: the material platform needs to be particularly level, and cannot be of different heights. The plates placed on it should also be parallel. The track of our CNC cutting machine is to find the parallel. In general, the height of the material platform is recommended to be about 450mm.

      Before working, we need to check the basic situation of the CNC cutting machine, whether there is any problem, we can only turn it on after confirming that there is no problem, so as to avoid accidents, and then check the running track to confirm that there are no obstacles before it can be turned on for normal use.

      If it is a dual-purpose cutting machine, it is divided into plasma cutting machine and flame cutting machine. We need to decide which cutting method to use depending on the thickness of the iron plate to be cut, and the advantages of the two cutting modes. Plasma cutting is mainly for thin plates. Fast speed, no need for preheating, it can be perforated directly. The deformation of the cut workpiece is small, but the cutting surface will have a slope of about 5°. Flame cutting is mainly aimed at cutting medium and thick plates with good verticality. You can choose by yourself, plasma cutting mode or flame cutting mode, if it is only one method of use, this step can be ignored.

      Open the CNC system, select graphics management, find the graphics we need to cut, and then set the size to be cut, and then confirm. If there is no graphics we need in the system graphics library, we need to use the drawing software to draw the graphics to be cut Use the nesting software to convert the format, and use the U disk to export it on the insertion system.

       When nesting, we can adjust the order of cutting. The specified function above is to set the size according to your own iron plate. After arranging the graphics, you can save it. Save it and put it in our Then insert the U disk into the CNC system to read it. After everything is ready, press the start button on the CNC cutting machine, that is, the START button, and start cutting.